
1 、1 So far中考英语翻译句子训练 , we have learned less than 2,000 words 2 He left for two months 3 His father died three years 4 in the past ten years, great changes have taken place in China 5 since since unemployed。

2、8 你的 英语学习 情况怎样?9 当我们到达火车站时 ,火车已开走中考英语翻译句子训练了 10 这位老人已当了多年英语老师了 11 她脸色显得很焦急,因为她妈妈已病了些时候了 初 二年级英语 句子 词汇及句子翻译 She died about 。

3、7如果你想学好英语,就应该尽可能多练习asas possibleYou should practice as much as possible if you want to learn English well 8我和李雷在许多事情上意见不一致agree withI am not agree with。

4 、A Year ___is divided into___ four seasons3在老师的帮助下 ,他在英语上取得了很大进步With the teacher#39s help ,he has ___made great progress___ in English4他错过了第一班车,因此除了等下一班车他别。

5、1他真是太幸运了,很容易地就通过了考试 1 He#39s so lucky , very easy for you to pass the exam 2在他很小的时候,他就全身心地投入到画画中 2 In his small, he threw himself into the drawing 3父母 。

6、1You didn#39t show off yourself at allHow modest you are!2He would rather play the computer ganes than do honework in the past 3She worked in that factory until she wrote that successful play 4Her。

7 、1 ,你到18岁才能学开车 you can#39t learn how to drive until you are 182,教室里面很脏乱,请清理一下 The classroom is in a mess Please clean it up3 ,我不能够选择要买那一副眼镜,两个我都戴的很。

8 、建议把6本英语书上最後的那几页句子翻译都背一背,我做了一张2010年的常州英语卷 ,翻译基本上都是书上的句型,只是换一种方式问而已,不难的 。

9、翻译句子有英译汉和汉译英两部分 ,英语译汉语 ,要符合汉语习惯,时间,地点 ,谁做了什么,用这种结构来翻译,先按照英语的单词语序一点一点的译 ,叫直译,然后再按照汉语习惯意译,而汉译英分部分翻译和整体翻译两部分 ,局部 。

10、1 I want to know why Mary is so nervous2 He asked me yesterday if I took part in the sport don#39t knw that i have prepared for this If they know, they might beat。

11 、She was the only woman tough enough to make me read Beowulf and think for a few stupid days that I liked it她是唯一一个能使我去读beowulf 并且让我怀念那些犯傻的日子的厉害女人2“how dare you say ‘。

12、我妻子和我举鼎买一栋新房子,我约了银行经理见面我以前从来没有见过他 ,我自己开车到市区,我很幸运能在银行外面找到一个停车位我刚开始倒车开进停车位,另一辆车抢道开了进去我恼怒了我打开车窗朝那辆车里的 。

13、This is so that other companies cannot make a product and , in fact , be buying something different该句子前还有一句In many countries, successful trade or brand names are protected by law合起来这样理解在。

14 、中考英语句子翻译练习 She decided to buy a digital camera online so that it could be sent to her夏威夷以它那美丽的海滩而著名赶快英语句子翻译练习,它虽然侧重于语言形式的考查 ,英语句子翻译不然我们要迟到了。

15、我知道我该给这次乘车付多少钱我不会给你比上周那个出租车司机的钱多一个子儿PS你最后一个thirteen dollars,我感觉你是不是打错了,应该是3 dollars?如果是的话就翻译成3美元 ,不是就用我上面的翻译13美元 。